Strong Visual Analysis helps draw conclusions

Everyday we are surrounded by mechanical devises and mechanisms that must be safely and properly designed, manufactured and operated. The failure of a mechanical device or product can lead to catastrophic personal injuries or damages. At Ripple CG, we offer 3D animations and visualization assets to communicate the problems within consumer products or mechanical devices which lead to injuries. Our animations are integral in court cases to support arguments while communicating clearly to jurors the complex issue arising within product failures.

Consumer Products

At Ripple CG, our goal is to create easily digestible 3D animations that outline the key components of your product failure case while accurately representing the damages suffered. We provide detailed animations which encompass personal injuries whether it is due to design defects, improper instructions, or manufacturing negligence.

  • Simplified visualization breakdown of relevant mechanics.
  • Efficient in identifying and visually communicating causality.

Vehicle Defects

Accidents can be caused by mechanical or design flaws within vehicle components. If an accident has occurred due to some deviation from the intended design during assembly, Ripple CG’s visualization assets will highlight those design flaws and demonstrate those effects on an accident for full comprehension.

  • Establish design or manufacturing defect.
  • Simplify and visually communicate causes of failure.

Bicycle Defects

Poor design, manufacturing error, or poor instructions are all common forms of bicycle defects. Ripple CG’s cycling experts work together with animators and attorneys to ensure that our animations present the most accurate outline of a failure.

  • Highlight the source of the defect.
  • Breakdown of key components.

Mechanical Failure

It can be difficult to ensure clear communication to jurors in the event of complex mechanical failures. The more complex the machine, the more necessary it is to develop visual assets. Our 3D animations have helped support case arguments in many winning court cases as they have been key in explaining the complex determinants that have led to injuries due to mechanical failures.

  • Narrow down relevant damaged components.
  • Establish causes of specific failures.

Work Injuries

Ripple CG has experience developing 3D animation for workplace accident claims such as construction, premise liability and workers compensation. Our exhibits were pivotal in many successful workplace injury claims involving defective products, toxic substances, and egregious employer conducts.

  • Develop visual assets for a wide variety of workplace accident claims.
  • Demonstrate accident reconstructions with emphasis on injury and cause.

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