River Park – Residential Architecture

The River Park Residential Framework Plan refines the community design principles delineated in the Southport Design Guidelines to create a well-designed, pedestrian-oriented residential community. The plan also proposes residential architecture that complements the community’s natural and programmed open spaces. The recommended architectural character promotes visual interest, variety, and high-quality detailing, thereby creating inviting neighborhoods. In addition, the plan offers a range of residential densities and housing types to create a diverse, yet unified neighborhood street character.

Land Use Type
Residential Product Type
(Dwelling Units/Acre)
Rural Residential Single-family
Large Lot–-Detached
Cluster Homes–-Detached
0.5 to 1.0
Low Density Residential Single-family
Front Loaded Medium Lot–-Detached
Front Loaded Small Lot–-Detached
Rear Loaded Small Lot–-Detached
1.1 to 5.0
Medium Density Residential Single-family
Green Court–-Detached
Court Cluster–-Detached
Motor Court–-Attached
Mansion House–-Attached
5.1 to 12.0
High Density Residential Single-family
Tuck-Under Townhomes–-Detached Motor Court
Tuck-Under Townhomes–-Attached
12.1 to 25.0

Examples of Proposed Housing Prototypes

Single-family Large Lot Homes

Single-family Medium Lot Homes

Single-family Small Lot Townhomes

Mansion Homes

Tuck-Under Townhomes

The residential architecture of River Park will be unique in that it will be guided by prescribed building elements rather than predetermined architectural styles. The integration of the built and natural environments will be paramount, and will be achieved by incorporating recommended building elements into the design of each home, regardless of the home’s architectural style. Given appropriate home design, using such building elements will enable builders to create diverse yet complementary homes that capture this integral indoor-outdoor relationship.